60 Seconds of…Beneath Pale Water60 Seconds of…are quick takes on a book I have read. Think of it as a tldr of a book review (except I did read the book!).Jun 9, 20231Jun 9, 20231
60 Seconds of…The History of Magic: From Alchemy to Witchcraft, from the Ice Age to the Present60 Seconds of…are quick takes on a book I have read. Think of it as a tldr of a book review (except I did read the book!).Jun 9, 20231Jun 9, 20231
60 Seconds of…This Golden Fleece:A Journey Through Britain’s Knitted History60 Seconds of…are quick takes on a book I have read. Think of it as a tldr of a book review.Jun 9, 20231Jun 9, 20231
60 Seconds of…Ex Libris: 100+ Books to Read and Reread60 Seconds of…are quick takes on a book I have read. Think of it as a tldr of a book review.Jun 9, 2023Jun 9, 2023
60 Seconds of…Beyond the North Wind60 Seconds of…are quick takes on a book I have read. Think of it as a tldr of a book review.Jun 9, 2023Jun 9, 2023
Writing will still be thereYou haven’t failed as a writer is you don’t write every day.Jun 4, 2020Jun 4, 2020
I’m fine with living in a city during Covid-19And no, I don’t dream of moving to the country. At all.Apr 3, 2020Apr 3, 2020
How one month of yoga has changed my lifeIt really has — though probably not in the ways you are expecting.Feb 4, 20201Feb 4, 20201
Don’t quit your day jobI’m sure people make a living writing for Medium — I just don’t understand how.Jan 22, 2020Jan 22, 2020
No, I don’t feel differently about most things now I am a motherWe need to change the narrative about being a mother, and being women.Jan 18, 2020Jan 18, 2020